Daily Dish

Musings, ramblings, and miscellaneous writer neuroses of RITA award-winning comedy and New York Times bestselling author Alesia Holliday.

Friday, April 21


I'm off to D.C. and the Malice Domestic conference, then to Oakmont for the Mystery Festival - please stop by if you're around and say hi! Happy weekend!

Sunday, April 16

Happy Easter!

The eggs are hunted, the candy is being eaten, and life is fine. Except for the fact my son had me up at 4:15 a.m. - THE EASTER BUNNY CAME, MOMMY!!!!!!

Readers Room is a venue for interviews with some terrific authors - many of my favorites! So you can guess how thrilled I was when they invited me. Check out the cool interview with me here!

Thursday, April 13

More Happy Dance Thursday

My editor called and the mysterious and magical gathering known as the "cover conference" went wonderfully. The ideas for my ATLANTIS RISING cover are brilliant and I can't WAIT to see it!
In other happy dancing, we put up a family-sized swing with a cover in the back yard, so now I can take my notebook outside and work surrounded by my flowers and my pugs, who think the swing is their personal rockabye-baby nap haven.
Hope the Easter bunny brings you much chocolate! (If you're into that kind of thing . . .)

Tuesday, April 11

An early Happy Dance Thursday

My darling friend Chris Feehan hit #2 on the New York Times list!! I LOVE when great things happen to great people!

Friday, April 7

TGIF musings

Wouldn't the South Beach Diet be more fun if they actually shipped you to a beach to do it? When did ricotta cheese get fun?

Is there anyone in the world who enjoys filing? Or getting the tax materials together? If so, would you like to work for me? Even part-time? Sigh.

Only two weeks until the Malice Domestic conference and I get to meet all the lovely and crazy mystery readers and even crazier mystery writers. It should be a blast!

Happy weekend, everybody!

Thursday, April 6

Happy Dance Thursdays

I had a lovely time at the Williamsburg library last night - the incomparable Andrew Smith hosted a delightful evening. And fellow author Laurin Wittig was kind enough to come along so I feel like I made a new friend!

There was much happy dancing around here today, since I accepted an offer just yesterday for a new anthology from my wonderful editor! It will be a paranormal antho for me to promote my new Atlantis series and will come out in May of 2007! Stay tuned for details - as soon as I can officially tell you the name of the amazing RITA-winning author who is headlining, I will! :)

back to work now that I suddenly have another book to write this year!

Wednesday, April 5

Libraries and a new review

I'm off to Williamsburg to speak at the Library tonight as part of the Book Festival! Stop by if you're in the area! I also heard that BLONDES and 7 WAYS TO LOSE YOUR LOVER got huge interest at the London Book Fair, so that was exciting!

Plus, a new review for BLONDES popped into the inbox:

"Blondes Have More Felons is a surprising, fast-paced story that will have you laughing one moment and on the edge of your seat the next. Alesia Holliday is a creative voice who definitely deserves reading. She has brought to life a cast of characters that deliver an outstanding story. The seemingly mundane is never mundane with December; even waiting for furniture takes on a new meaning with her. The sheer strength of December’s personality ensures that even when she is spouting legal jargon, this is one woman you want to know better. At first glance the story is light and fun, but as readers delve deeper into Ms. Holliday’s writing they will be impressed with the details and nuances she has seamlessly woven into the plot. Readers can only hope there are more upcoming stories with Ms. Vaughn."
5 Angels - Fallen Angels Review

Tuesday, April 4

Geeky Trivia Tuesday

At a little after one in the morning, we'll have a signal event: at exactly 1:02:03, it will be 01:02:03 04/05/06. Won't happen again for a thousand years.

Monday, April 3

Crazy busy week

I posted at Romancing the Blog today on wall banger books - Jenny Crusie and Bob Mayer are our guests at the LC this week - I'm teaching a class all month on putting the "humor" in humorous suspense. Plus I'm speaking at the Williamsburg library Wednesday night - stop by and say hi!

Sunday, April 2


So I spent the weekend having a mini-writer's retreat with the talented and multi-genre writer Cindy Holby. She is working on a book that is so funny and real and warm that it's going to be utterly fabulous, and plotting out a series idea that is so freaking brilliant that naturally I wish I'd thought of it first. :) But in spite of all that brilliance and her newly-muscled buff self, you just can't hate Cindy. If you try, she'll tell you some story about roosters and elbows wearing slippers or sitting on marbles that will have you rolling on the floor laughing.

I think it's a southern thing.

Also, yes, I'll just admit it here FIRST before she outs me: I was following hideously bad MapQuest directions and plotting in my head while driving and blasting music and I got a little lost.

Okay, okay, already. I went from eastern Virginia to western Virginia . . . by way of North Carolina.

Don't ask. We're still not sure how I did it. I may have to write it off as a Blonde moment.